Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan

Long journey has begun. Where I was born and grew up with an incredibly loving and supportive family ^^ (photo by Soul-creation).

Sleman, Yogyakarta

When I Spent a long time here full of experience (photo by

Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan

The new town where I started college life and finally found my prince ^^ (photo by mrgooglass).

Sekayu, Sumatera Selatan

Where I Have a New Family that I Love too (photo by idonotdespair).

Depok, Jawa Barat

When we started a new life here with our two little angles ^^ (photo by florist online) .

Selasa, 28 April 2020

Tips dan Kreasi Berkebun Di Tengah Pandemi Covid 19

Nah ini dia cocok untuk dicoba Sahabat praktekkan di rumah terutama di lingkungan perkotaan. Apalagi masa pandemi corona seperti sekarang, punya kebun sendiri meskipun kecil namun sangat membantu Sahabat agar tidak sering keluar rumah dan hemat pengeluaran rumah tangga tentunya.

Happy Gardening :)